Each of the different age groups have their own pages (Threes & Fours, Fours & Fives (incl. Pre-K) and Kindergarten) with more specifics, but here is some general policy information applicable to all ages.
General Enrollment Requirements
Children must be potty trained.
Enrolled children must have on file:
- An updated immunization record
- A “personal data” sheet completed by a parent or guardian
It is our constant goal to provide a warm and loving environment where all the children feel safe, secure and loved. We focus on the love of Jesus and that we are a family (class) of God. This basis combined with developmentally-geared activities, active involvement, “hands-on” activities and musical expression, helps to eliminate many potential discipline problems. When needed, a “time-out” is implemented as a “cooling off” time. The child sits in view of the teachers, a timer is set for no more than 3 minutes and he is dismissed after talking through alternative choices to his/her behavior. By allowing children to see that they have choices in their behavior and to see the natural consequences of that behavior, they become accountable and more responsible. We also implement many strategies of Dr. Faye’s “Love and Logic” as well as those of Dr. Popkins “Active Parenting.”
School Calendar
A calendar of the scheduled class sessions for the entire year will be sent home to students on the first class day. It will list preschool days as well as vacation days. It is our policy to follow very closely with the Johnson County School District calendar.
Please see each age group for specific information.
Please note this is a non-profit preschool and kindergarten. No refunds or credits can be issued for absences.
Children with the following symptoms will not be allowed to attend preschool (excessive diarrhea, temperature of 102+, untreated head lice or scabies, or contagious illnesses). Special consideration will be made with a doctor’s statement.
Medications will NOT be dispensed at preschool.
Weapons are NOT allowed on the preschool premises.